I love blogging and sharing all my recipes, tips, trials and errors with all of y’all. But now since I have people reading this thing other than just me; I feel this HUGE pressure to write a creative and funny blog that has amazing recipes and advice. I lay awake at night tossing and turning and fretting over THE BLOG. I will wake up in the middle of the night (although I think that I probably really haven’t fallen asleep yet) with and idea for a post or recipe. I write and re-write the posts (in my head and on the computer). I talk non-stop to everyone I meet and see ESPECIALLY my boyfriend, about the blog- asking for suggestions, advice, and just telling them to read it.
I worry that I won’t be funny enough or people will stop caring about or finding interest in what I have to say. My boyfriend, Eric, tells me not to worry; that I am funny, and witty, and always making good food and coming up with good recipes (I think he just says that because he worries that if I stop doing the blog that means I will stop cooking and baking on an almost daily basis). I look at my Blogger Idols like The Pioneer Woman, Culinary Concoctions By Peabody, Picky Palate, The Sisters Cafe and admire their elegant and witty blogs that always have wonderful, beautiful, tasty recipes. How can I even compare?
I then try and remind my self that I am always over-thinking things and always becoming obsessed and paranoid with things that I have no control over.
I am SO grateful and honored that so many people have visited my blog and let alone are reading it. I am SO pleased that I have the opportunity to fulfill one of my biggest dreams (writing, especially about food). I never thought that I would actually be able to write and have people read what I have to say. I know I may not be famous and only have a tiny fan base; but I am able to do something that I love and share that passion and knowledge with others and grow and learn as a person along the way.
I will probably still wake up in the middle of the night with ideas for the blog (so if you see a posting that is dated at 2 am don’t think I am crazy or obsessed); but I like the challenge of continuing to grow my blog and make it better, and more delish, and more sarcastic and more….. Tasty. I originally saw this recipe on The Sister’s Cafe; they called it Freshly Squeezed Lemonade(I called my version Hand Numbing Super Juice- no point in hiding the pain). The idea of fresh juice was mouthwatering. I do not have a juicer though; (I must acquire one) and had to HAND squeeze every piece of fruit for this juice. I must admit that when I make food I usually make enough to feed an army (or at least share with others); however since the amount of work involved in making this without a juicer was hard enough-I had to be selfish and keep this juice all to myself (ok- I wasn’t totally selfish I let Eric have a sip or two) . It is so tasty and refreshing; definitely worth the work.
Hand Numbing Super Juice

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