I am sure most of you are already done with your Christmas shopping (and if you celebrate Hanukkah you have to be done because Hanukkah is almost over). But for some of us (ME) we have yet to begin. Well I take that back I started my Christmas shopping last night- a week before Christmas (can you say procrastinator)!
But for any of you that have any last minute gift shopping you need to do, or have just begun like me, or have not even started (like I am sure my brother) I am going to put together a list of MY top/favorite food related gifts for 2009. And if you are already finished with your shopping these gifts would still be great for a splurg on yourself, of for a wedding/anniversary gift, birthday, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s day, Father’s Day or even next Christmas/Hannach (wow thought would be major planning a head!)
So here goes:
1. Kitchen Aid Mixer – As you know Eric bought me my Kitchen Aid Mixer for my birthday. I had been longing for one for quite sometime and he totally surprised my by getting me one! I totally love it! I have made so many things in my Kitchen Aid since i got it, cookies, frosting, rolls… I used to dread doing homemade whip creams and having to beat egg whites with my old hand held mixer because it was so time consuming and gave me a hand cramp. Now I can’t wait for the next recipe to try that calls to ‘vigorsuly whisk something’!
2. The movie Julie and Julia was too cute. And cute doesn’t even describe it. It was extremely funny, and inspiring. I asked Eric to watch it with me and he was very reluctant. This movie had HIM laughing and at the end he said he was surprised at how much he liked it! I have not read the book yet but have been told by many friends who have that it is just as entertaining as the movie (and I am sure it is even better because usually books are better than the movie).
3. A few months ago Eric also got me (just as a random surprise) a Kitchen Aid Food Processor. Love it too! Not only does a food processor grind/chop or process food way better that a blender in my opinion; but there are SO many foods that you can only make if you have a food processor. Not only is it good for purees, but also grinding up crackers for a pie crust or bread coating for chicken. You can make hummus and pesto and the list goes on and on. I do suggest if you get someone on your list this as a gift get a large enough size (5 cups or larger) so that they can make some hummus for themselves and enough to share!
4. One of our family traditions growing up was making and decorating sugar cookies. The main event was always at Christmas but we always tried and get every other holiday too! So a few years ago my Mom gave each one of my siblings and I this cookie cutter bucket and tucked her sugar cookie and frosting recipe (the one we always made) inside. This was (and probably still is ) one of the BEST presents I have ever received. Because of the memories I have of making these cookies in my childhood and then the gift of tradition to carry on when I have children. I have seen this cookie cutter set at Bed, Bath and Beyond but really not any where else. It is an awesome set of cookie cutters with 100+ for every Holiday, every letter of the Alphabet, and a bunch of generic ones too (flowers, trains, ect.). This would be a really fun gift for anyone on your list.
5. For my birthday Eric also got me the ice cream maker attachment for the Kitchen Aid Mixer. Who knew it had such an attachment! This attachment piece for the mixer is probably a little bit more expensive than a good ice cream maker but you don’t have to deal with ice or rock salt when using the Kitchen Aid mixer ice cream maker (that means you don’t have to buy those things and can buy more ice cream toppings!). Plus the added bonus of the Kitchen Aid mixer is that it makes the ice cream in only 20 minutes and the attachment is only a different bowl and the blade, so it takes up less space in my kitchen than having a whole other ice cream maker. Ice cream makers, Kitchen Aid brand or not are always a fun gift to give and receive..
6. And of course my last favorite gift is The Pioneer Woman’s Cookbook. Not only did I have TONS of fun at her book signing but the book, just like her blog, is a fun read too. And even though her book signing tour is over, she announced on her blog that she would be happy to sign books and mail them back to you if you just mail them to her. Her cookbook has fun stories about food, cooking, and living on a ranch in Oklahoma. Each recipe, just like her blog, has step by step photos and instructions that make cooking and baking so easy. A great cookbook for non-bloggers and bloggers alike!
Well I had more gift ideas all planed out and typed up but I am WAY totired to go on the hunt for them. Maybe I can feature them next year or as a Mother’s Day segment or something.
Photo credit: Amazon
who wouldn't love to receive any or all of these gifts?!