Happy 100th post to me!! I can’t believe that I have been cookin’, and concocting, and rambling on and on for a 100 posts and 100 days. And I can’t believe that I have had readers for that long and that people continue to read this blog!!! I have so much fun cooking and creating and writing.
In celebration of my 100th post I personally wanted to do a give away. But since my last 2 giveaways I have done have not gotten as much response as I thought they would, I am hesitant to do another one. I know I have readers because I see people stopping by via the Live Traffic Feed on the right side bar. And I get comments posted on my blog so why is no one entering the giveaways.
Eric told me that I was just overanalyzing things. And sure enough I found out that several people were having trouble leaving comments. So I am still going to have my 100th post giveaway and I am going to extend the Fiber One Giveaway until Sunday, December 20th at 9 pm. That means I will accept comments for both the Pillsbury giveaway and Fiber One giveaway until 9 pm Sunday, December 20, 2009.
So for my giveaway today and to celebrate my 100th post I am taking you back to the good ole days of summer… In August I featured Sandra Lee’s Semi-Homemade Cooking 3. I also made these Zesty Fried Meatballs with Red Pepper Sauce. Well actually I made the meatballs and not the sauce. Not because I didn’t want to make the sauce but because I didn’t have a food processor back then to make the sauce.
Well then Eric got me a food processor so I had to go back and make this recipe (and Eric asked me too). This sauce was sweet and tangy and complemented the meatballs perfectly. These meatballs will defiantly be regulars around these parts. I also made these fried pork chops from that cookbook too, with equal success and tastiness.
So in honor of my 100th post, of this busy holiday season and my love of cooking and cookbooks; I am giving away Sandra Lee’s Semi-Homemade Cooking 3. I love Sandra’s recipes and approach to food. She always has money and time saving tips; yet her recipes taste like you have been slaving away in the kitchen all day. This cookbook is great for this time of year when most of us would rather be making memories than trying to figure out what’s for dinner. It is perfect for beginner cooks or for people that have very busy lives and need dinner on the table stat. It is also good for advance cooks to get ideas and suggestions on how to make traditional foods not so traditionally. Read more about my review of this cookbook here and here.
You have THREE ways to enter:
1. Leave a comment on this post telling me what kitchen/food related gift you would like for Christmas this year. I would personally (hint, hint Eric) a spice rack (you know those ones pretty enough to leave on your kitchen counter and are already loaded with the spices) or new cookbooks (I am always a sucker for those) would be nice too!
2. Become a follower of this blog and come back to this post and leave a comment letting me know. And if you are already a follower just leave a comment letting me know that too.
3. Tell someone about this giveaway, whether it be on a blog, Facebook or Twitter. Then come back here and leave a new comment letting me know.
Thism give-away is open until Wednesday, December 23at 10 pm. Winner will be announced sometime Thursday, December 21, 2009.
Congrats on your 100th post- woo hoo! that's so exciting!
Thanks for stopping by my blog and for letting me know about your giveaway.
Congratulations on your 100th post! I thought I was already following your blog, but discovered that I had only subscribed to the RSS feeds. And I will tweet about your giveaway! (Anything to help a fellow food blogger.) *You can find my tweets @Leslie_Limon
(P.S.) These meatballs look delicious!
I would love to get a food processor… or a renovated kitchen would be nice as well 😉
Oh and I'm a follower now as well!