With it being the new year I am sure many people have made resolutions or some of you may have not because you don’t believe in resolutions. I personally like setting goals and challenges for myself with the fresh start of a new year (I don’t like using the word resolution but goals).
So some of my ‘goals’ for 2010 are the typical eat more healthy, exercise more, take time to relax, but I also have quite a few blogging/cooking goals too (so you all will get to benefit too)!
As far as cooking/baking and goes there are quite as few recipes I want to try and I really would like to lean more about cake decorating. I also need to majorly organize recipes I have printed of the internet or found in magazines in some sort of orderly fashion so that I can use them. As far as blogging goes I really would like to get a new camera and learn how to take better quality photos of my food. I also have some plans in mind on how I want to better enhance my cooking blog and possibly have more sections and or blog about other areas I am interested in. But like I said these are all goals, dreams, and wishes for this new year. Hopefully over time I can mark some of these ‘goals’ off my list.
Anywho, to help with the eating healthier thing and to recover from my bingeing on sweets from the last month and a half I decided I needed to feature a more healthier cookbook this month. So I am featuring the Best of Weight Watchers Magazines, Vol. 1 Cookbook. Now don’t panic; this not going to turn into a weight loss, rabbit food, health conscience blog. I am still going to make, eat , and blog about recipes such as cookies, and pasta, and things that are fried but I just need a few healthy foods in my diet right now to make me not feel so bad about the over-eating at the holidays.
I liked this cookbook and found many versatile recipes within. The book is divided into you typical cookbook sections of drinks, main courses, desserts, etc. A large majority of the recipes have photos and every recipe has all the nutritional content along with the number of Weight Watchers points (incase you are counting).
I know I am a little late posting this but with the holidays and trying to get back in the swing of things has been hard. And although I was very excited about this cookbook the first recipe I tried from it came out horribly. I normally post cookbook of the month recipes even if they do turn out bad because I am giving a review and my opinion but I couldn’t dare post this one… it was that awful. And in case you have the book it was the Barbecued Sweet Potatoes. I don’t know if I did something wrong or what but I have to choose another recipe to feature for this week. I sure hope this is not a sign that this is a bad cookbook!?! The first cookbook and recipe of the year and it was awful. EEK!
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