It was a sad day yesterday for me. I woke up and realized Christmas was already over. : ( Boo! I love this time of year and all the excitement, all the anticipation, all the counting down and it is all over. Sniffle… Now don’t get me wrong the last two three months have been pure exhaustion, but I am sad none the less. I am happy though to have been able to spend the holidays with both Eric and I’s family and keep many scared traditions going! And I am happy that since life will slow down a bit I will have more time for this blog (some fun changes coming soon) and for other exciting things (can’t wait to share)!
But first (I know you all are waiting) I must announce the winners of my recent giveaways (randomly chosen by! Hip! Hip! Hooray!
First, the winner of the $10 Wendy’s gift card (drum roll please):
True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 6
Comment number 6 is from mami2jcn who says she is a Facebook fan!
Congrats mami2jcn! Thank you for entering the giveaway and being a Facebook fan. Please email me at kitchen_concoctions at hotmail dot com with your mailing address and I will get the gift card sent right out to you!
And the winner of the Chex giveaway (please hold your applause):
True Random Number Generator Min: Max: Result: 1
Comment number 1 is Dana who likes to use Chex cereal to make “Puppy Chow”!
Congrats Dana! Thank you for entering the giveaway. Please email me at kitchen_concoctions at hotmail dot com with your mailing address and I will get the Chex prize pack sent right out to you!
There’s more….
Mami2jcn says
Thanks very much! I just emailed you.