I can’t believe it is already December. I sound and feel so old when I say that but seriously where did the year go? But I am so excited about this time of year! I spent last night putting up my Christmas tree, watching digitally re-mastered Christmas cartoons, and baking my first batch of cookies this season! It was so much fun!
But one of the biggest things I love about this time of year is that it is a season of giving. And I am always reminded of how blessed I am and how much more I can do for others and give back. To celebrate this season of giving I have a giveaway for you today that supports giving to others!
You have FOUR separate ways to enter the Show Your Helping Hand prize pack giveaway (NOTE: Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each response below):
1. Leave a comment on this post sharing how you plan to give back this holiday season. Donating non-perishable food to a local food bank? Volunteering at a local nursing home? Please share how you hope to give back to your community this year. As for me I will be donating and volunteering for a local toy drive, it should be fun!
2. Become a follower of this blog and come back to this post and leave a comment letting me know. And if you are already a follower leave a sperate comment letting me know that too.
3. Tell someone about this giveaway, whether it be on a blog, Facebook or Twitter. Then come back here and leave a new comment letting me know.
4. And finally, if you have not noticed Kitchen Concoctions is now on Facebook! For a fourth entry to this giveaway, head over to Kitchen Concoction’s Facebook page and click ”Like”. Then come back here and leave a separate comment letting me know you did. (And if you are already a Facebook fan leave a comment letting me know!)
This give-away closes Wednesday, December 8, 2010 at 10 pm CST. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced sometime shortly after the give-away ends. Wow that was a long big post! But what better way to celebrate November and the upcoming Hoiliday season! Good Luck!
Disclaimer: I did not receive monetary compensation for this review. Hamburger Helper provided me with the product, information, and prize packs through MyBlogSpark.
I always take a minute to give what I can to the Salvation Army kettles when I see one. I donate canned goods, coats, and toys to local drives 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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I plan on donating to a local food bank.
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