Even thought we are just days away from Valentine’s Day and everyone is full fledged into baking all those sweet treats, I thought I would bring you another ‘healthy’ giveaway, sponsored by Green Giant.
Today’s giveaway is for a Green Giant prize pack that includes a VIP coupon for a free box of Green Giant Boxed Vegetables, plus an insulated tote bag, serving bowl, spoon, and pedometer.
You have FIVE separate ways to enter to win the Green Giant gift pack (NOTE: Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each response below):
1. Leave a comment on this post answering the following question: What is your favorite vegetable?
2. Become a follower of Kitchen Concoctions through Google Friend Connect and leave a comment letting me know.
3. Tell someone about this giveaway, whether it be on a blog, Facebook or Twitter and leave a new comment letting me know.
4. For a fourth entry to this giveaway, head over to Kitchen Concoction’s Facebook page and click ”Like”. Then come back here and leave a separate comment letting me know you did.
5. And for a fifth and final entry follow Kitchen Concoctions on Twitter. (I am brand new to this whole Twitter thing, so it should be pretty entertaining following along as I figure it out!)
This give-away closes Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 10 pm CST. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced sometime shortly after the give-away ends.
Disclaimer: Green Giant provided me with the information and gift pack for the giveaway as well as myself through My Blog Spark.
My favorite vegetable is broccoli 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Publicly following Kitchen Concoctions with Google Friend Connect [Cheryl F. {The Lucky Ladybug}]
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I love broccoli!
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my favorite veggie is brussels sprouts.
I am a facebook fan.
I am a follower of kitchen concoctions.
Snap Sugar Peas
1prizewinner at gmail dot ocm
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Johannah Brookwell
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I love squash! Especially fried with onion…yum!
I tweeted!