This giveaway is now closed and the winner (chosen by is commenter number 8, Nelly Rodriguez! Congrats Nelly, and thank you to all who entered. Nelly please contact me at kitchen_concoctions at hotmail dot com within 72 hours with your mailing information.
With October just a few weeks away, we are reminded of the importance of breast cancer awareness, education, and self exams. Since October is breast cancer awareness month it is important to know that one in eight women in the U.S. will be diagnosed with breast cancer within her lifetime – our friends, wives, mothers, sisters, neighbors.
Breast cancer is something that WE are all effected by. In my own life I have had friends and family members struggle with the painful battle against this horrible disease. We all must do our part to contribute to breast cancer education and awareness.
Yoplait is a strong believer that the fight against breast cancer starts right at home. Through ‘Save Lids to Save Lives,’ Yoplait will donate ten cents to Susan G. Komen for the Cure® for each pink lid redeemed both online at and via mail by December 31, 2011, up to $2 million. Plus, Yoplait is tracking pink lids redeemed by zip code to make sure funds generated from your lid collection go back to local breast cancer programs in your community. Here´s how you can support your local community´s fight:
•Look for special pink lids on pink Yoplait yogurt cups, in grocery stores in September and October.
•Save your pink lids and redeem them via mail, or – for the first time – redeem them online at Make sure you enter your zip code when redeeming lids online!
•In addition, click to download a printable coupon for $0.30 off any one variety Yoplait Yogurt cup!
On you can dedicate your lid to a woman who means something to you, read inspirational stories about those making a difference in the fight against breast cancer and find out how to support your local Susan G. Komen Affiliate. During the past 13 years, Yoplait has donated more than $30 million to the breast cancer cause through all of its breast cancer initiatives.
To get you inspired to make a difference and show your support, Yoplait is offering one lucky Kitchen Concoctions reader a ‘Save lids to save lives’ prize pack, which includes:
You have FIVE separate ways to enter the Yoplait ‘Save lids to save lives’ Giveaway! (NOTE: Please leave a SEPARATE comment for each response below):
1. Leave a comment on this post answering the following question: How are you working to help with the fight to end breast cancer? Are you participating in a breast cancer walk? Driving a family member to their annual doctor’s appointment? Making a donation? Collecting Yoplait lids?
2. Become a follower of Kitchen Concoctions through Google Friend Connect.
3. Tell someone about this giveaway, whether it be on a blog, Facebook or Twitter and leave a new comment letting me know and sharing the link.
4. For a fourth entry to this giveaway, head over to Kitchen Concoction’s Facebook page and click ”Like”. Then come back here and leave a separate comment letting me know you did.
5. And for a fifth and final entry follow Kitchen Concoctions on Twitter.
This give-away closes Sunday, September 25, 2011 at 11:00 PM CST. Winner will be chosen at random and will be announced sometime shortly after the give-away ends. Winner must contact Kitchen Concoctions within 72 hours at kitchen_concoctions at hotmail dot com to claim prize. If winner has not claimed prize within 72 hours then a new winner will be notified. Giveaway for US residents only. NOTE: Please check back shortly after giveaway closing to see if you are a winner. As much as I would like to run all over the Internet world looking for you, I do not have the time. So you as the winner MUST contact me with your information.
Disclosure: The Yoplait prize pack, information and coupon have been provided by Yoplait through MyBlogSpark.
I play my part by collecting lids and spreading the words through facebook and twitter
Thank you for hosting this giveaway
pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
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pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com
I will start collecting lids and telling family about it so they can do so as well!
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I collect Yoplait lids to help with the fight to end breast cancer 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Publicly following Kitchen Concoctions with Google Friend Connect {Cheryl F.}
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I organize the Cincinnati Komen Crop for the Cure which proceeds benefit the Greater Cincinnati Affiliate of Komen for the Cure. About 100 scrapbookers get together and crop from 9-9 (this year's event is on October 1) and each scrapbooker pays $50 to attend the event and then they buy raffle tickets, etc. to earn extra money to donate. It's a great event and a fun way to do your hobby and benefit a breast cancer cure at the same time.
I also collect lids from everyone I work with to mail in to Yoplait. Yummmmmmmy.
I have wanted to participate in a breast cancer walk for some time so I think this year I will!
I am a facebook fan.
I follow.
I make a yearly contribution to the American Cancer Society since my husband had colon cancer.
reklaw422 at hotmail dot com
I eat a lot of yogurt so I will make sure and save my lids!
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I made a donation.
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i follow on google
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follow blog jelaws5
like u on fb Julie Scott Laws
I donate mom is a 5 year breast cancer survivor