If you follow me on Instagram you noticed a few weeks ago that I went to a blogging conference. Like any conference for any professional industry, these conferences are a great way to network and meet not only fellow bloggers but the sponsors and speakers as well, who are not necessarily bloggers, just individuals that are experts in particular fields (like photography, social media, etc.).
Even though I have been to a number of blogging conferences over the years, even helping put on a few, I always enjoy going because I learn new things, meet new friends and leave filling inspired. One topic that is always mentioned on some panel or discussion is the consistency bloggers should be sharing content, on their blog and on social media. Blog post should go “live” the same days and times every week AND holiday content should be shared a month if not more before the actual holiday to get best results.
Well, I guess this is where I slack as a blogger. While I try to publish my posts by noon, there are no specific days that are blogging days. I have tried, I really have, to be consistent with this, but since I try to be very thorough with each and every blog post, each post takes a lot of time to put together. Oh yeah, not to mention I work a “day” job which *sighs* takes up a lot of my “free” time.
So, if I was the best blogger out there, I would have shared this Halloween recipe (I guess if you want to call it a recipe… it’s more like food art), way back in September, or at least the first week of October, and not days before the holiday. Luckily this “recipe” is super easy, and I bet you have everything to make it in your pantry right now!
If you have followed this blog for any amount of time then you know there are two things I love. I LOVE s’mores and we LOVE Halloween and every year that I have been blogging I have featured a week of Ghoulish Grub recipes, a.k.a, Halloween recipes here on this blog. Well unfortunately this year got away from me and while I have shared a few fun Halloween things, I didn’t have time to dedicate to an entire week of Halloween eats! But I do have two recipes I am going to squeeze here in the last few days of October, because well, despite what the “experts” say, I have always done things my way! 🙂
These Bloody Band Aid S’mores sound so gross but are so fun to whip up and of course taste delicious! Because I mean, duh, chocolate, gooey mallows and graham crackers are just the best combo ever!
One Year Ago: Mini Halloween Pizzas
Two Years Ago: Mummy Nutter Butter Cookies and Pumpkin Oreo Cookies
Three Years Ago: Two Potato and Parsnip Baked Mashed Potatoes
Four Years Ago: Pork Chops and Sweet Potatoes
Five Years Ago: Edible Eyeball Cookies and Donuts
Six Years Ago: Deviled Egg Eyeballs
Bloody Band-Aid S’mores {Ghoulish Grub}
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Printable Version
Graham crackers
Large marshmallows
Red M&M’s chocolate candies
Break graham crackers sheets into four equal pieces. Arrange graham cracker pieces on top of a microwave safe plate.
Cut marshmallows in half. Place one marshmallow half on top of each graham cracker. Place plate with graham crackers in microwave and microwave for 10-15 seconds or until marshmallows puff up. Immediately remove from microwave and top with a red M&M’s candy. Enjoy immediately!
Note: Some versions of this use white frosting instead of the marshmallow and red food gel for the “blood”, but then we couldn’t call it a s’more.
Inspired by several versions seen on Pinterest
Other recipes you might enjoy:
Nutter Butter Goblin Feet and Witch Finger Cookies
Monster Munch Cookies
Witch Snack Pack Pudding Parfaits
Mega Monster Munch Popcorn
Owl S’mores
Megan says
No matter how hard I try, I can't get my posts out on the same day each week. I like to think of it as a surprise for my readers that way 😉